September 1, 2023
- Public Hearing, Special Event Permits for Fall Fest & Rocky Mtn Wine Festival
- Development Improvements Agreement for Sojourn at Idlewild (item will be continued to Sept. 19 meeting)
- Resolution 2082, Submitting a Ballot Issue to the Town's registered electors at the November 7, 2023 Special Election
- Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Ulteig Engineering for Surveying Work
- Authorizing the Purchase of two busses from Gillig, through Washington State Dept. of Enterprise Services
- Public Hearing, Resolution 2085, Approving the Consolidated First Amended and Restated Service Plan for Rendezvous Arrow Metropolitan District Nos. 1-8
- Public Hearing, Resolution 2086, Approving the Consolidated Service Plan for Resort Area Development Metropolitan District Nos. 1-10