Transit Advisory Committee Meeting
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesJoin Zoom Meeting Time: Mar 1, 2021 04:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Meeting ID: 609 114 6584 Passcode: 123456
Fireside Creek Apartments Neighborhood Meeting
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesJoin our Neighborhood Meeting regarding the Fireside Creek Apartments Project! Winter Park Partners will start with an overview of the plans at 5:30 and then take questions and comments from the neighbors. Where: In Council Chambers, with masks and social distancing OR on Zoom (see invite below) When: March 3, 5:30 p.m. Register in advance for this […]
Planning Commission Meeting
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesSecond and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 8 a.m.
Housing Corporation Meeting
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesZoom link will be posted on Agenda or e-mail
Responsible Alcohol Vendor Class
Headwaters Center 730 Baker Dr, Winter Park, CO, United StatesWho should attend? Restaurant or special event managers, supervisors, servers, bartenders, and anyone else who serves alcohol. Earn a three-year certification Training is free. Limited to the first sixty participants that arrive. No pre-registration. Location: Headwaters Center 730 Baker Drive, Winter Park For questions, content Officer Jeff Malchow with the Police Department […]
Community Clean-Up Day
Hideaway Park 78841 US Hwy 40, Winter Park, CO, United StatesJoin us at the Hideaway Park Pavilion to gather trash bags and gloves before we begin cleaning the Town! Come anytime between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Participants will be entered to win one of two $50 gift cards to a local business of their choice. Plus, get free swag!
Responsible Alcohol Vendor Class
Headwaters Center 730 Baker Dr, Winter Park, CO, United StatesWho should attend? Owners, managers, supervisors, servers, bartenders, special event volunteers, and anyone else who serves alcohol. What: Participants will receive a Responsible Alcohol Vendor Certification, valid for three years. When: Wednesday, June 30 from 2-4 p.m. Where: Headwaters Event Center 730 Baker Drive, Winter Park Cost: Training is free to participants, no registration required. For […]
Responsible Alcohol Vendor Class
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesWhen? Wednesday, July 28, from 6-8 p.m. Where? Winter Park Town Hall, 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park Who should attend? Owners, managers, supervisors, servers, bartenders, special event volunteers, and anyone else who serves alcohol. Participants will receive a Responsible Alcohol Vendor Certification, valid for three years. Training is free to participants, no registration is required. […]
Responsible Alcohol Vendor Class
Granby Town Hall 0 W Jasper Ave, GranbyPresented by Destination Granby in partnership with the Fraser Winter Park Police Department. When? Tuesday, August 17 from 6-8 p.m. Where? Granby Town Hall, Zero W. Jasper Ave., Granby Who should attend? Owners, managers, supervisors, servers, bartenders, special event volunteers, and anyone else who serves alcohol. Participants will receive a Responsible Alcohol Vendor Certification, valid […]
Grand County Water and Sanitation District Meeting
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesThis NOTICE is required by state law. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Grand County Water and Sanitation District #1 (“District”) will hold a regular meeting at 5:30 P.M. on Wednesday, the 15th day of September 2021, at the Winter Park Town Hall, Winter Park, Colorado, at which the District […]
Town Council Meeting
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesResponsible Alcohol Vendor Class
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesPresented by Destination Granby in partnership with the Fraser Winter Park Police Department. When? Tuesday, November 30 from 2-4 p.m. Where? Winter Park Town Hall, 50 Vasquez Road Who should attend? Owners, managers, supervisors, servers, bartenders, special event volunteers, and anyone else who serves alcohol. Participants will receive a Responsible Alcohol Vendor Certification. Training is […]
Responsible Alcohol Vendor Class
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesPresented by Destination Granby in partnership with the Fraser Winter Park Police Department. When? Thursday, December 9 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Where? Winter Park Town Hall, 50 Vasquez Road Who should attend? Owners, managers, supervisors, servers, bartenders, special event volunteers, and anyone else who serves alcohol. Participants will receive a Responsible Alcohol Vendor Certification. […]
Responsible Alcohol Vendor Class
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesPresented by Fraser Winter Park Police Department. When? Monday, December 20 from 1-3 p.m. Where? Winter Park Town Hall, 50 Vasquez Road Who should attend? Owners, managers, supervisors, servers, bartenders, special event volunteers, and anyone else who serves alcohol. Participants will receive a Responsible Alcohol Vendor Certification. Training is free to participants, no registration is […]
Town Council Meeting
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesWinter Park 101: Town Council Q&A - Canceled
Gravity Haus 78869 Highway 40, Winter Park, CO, United StatesThis event has been canceled. The Q&A portion of Winter Park 101 will now be combined with the January 12 date. Q&A is from 5:30-6:30 p.m. and 6:30-7:30 p.m. is meeting department heads and learning how the town works. Those attending the January 12 event can come in person (masks required) or tune in via […]
Planning Commission Meeting
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesCoffee with Council
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesGot questions for our Council members? They've got answers! Join us for the first Coffee with Council session of 2022 to have informal conversations with Winter Park's elected officials. Coffee and light snacks will be provided. Masks are required. January 11 from 10-11 a.m. at Town Hall, 50 Vasquez Rd. Please RSVP by emailing
Winter Park 101: Behind the Scenes of Winter Park
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesHave you ever wondered what it means to be a Town Council member? Or how departments and elected officials work together? Well, we’ve got the answers! The Town of Winter Park is excited to host the Winter Park 101 program, a two-night event to share how the local government operates and how citizens can run […]
TAC Meeting
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesWinter Park 101: Town Tour
Public Works Facility 80500 Highway 40, Winter Park, CO, United StatesHave you ever wondered what it means to be a Town Council member? Or how departments and elected officials work together? Well, we’ve got the answers! The Town of Winter Park is excited to host the Winter Park 101 program, a two-night event to share how the local government operates and how citizens can run […]
2022 State of the Town
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesWe're so excited to bring you the 2022 State of the Town! We accomplished a lot in 2021, but we still have some lofty goals for our Town in 2022! Watch Mayor Nick Kutrumbos' 2022 State of the Town at Monday's Council meeting to learn more about a few specific projects and how they relate […]
TAC Meeting
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesCoffee with Council
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesGot questions for our Council members? They've got answers! Join us for Coffee with Council to have informal conversations with Winter Park's elected officials. Coffee and light snacks will be provided. Masks are required. February 8 from 10-11 a.m. at Town Hall, 50 Vasquez Rd. Please RSVP by emailing
Responsible Alcohol Service Training
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesResponsible Alcohol Service Training Who should attend? Owners, managers, supervisors, servers, bartenders, special event volunteers, and anyone else who serves alcohol Presented by Fraser Winter Park Police Department Participants will receive a Responsible Alcohol Vendor Certification Training is free to participants, no registration required For questions contact: Officer Jeff Malchow with the Police Department. 970.722.7779 […]
Responsible Alcohol Vendor Class
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesPresented by Fraser Winter Park Police Department. When? Wednesdsay, March 9 from 6-8 p.m. Where? Winter Park Town Hall, 50 Vasquez Road Who should attend? Owners, managers, supervisors, servers, bartenders, special event volunteers, and anyone else who serves alcohol. Participants will receive a Responsible Alcohol Vendor Certification. Training is free to participants, no registration is […]
Open House: Cooper Creek Village Annexation
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesThe applicant for the Cooper Creek Village annexation, JAC Colorado II, LLC, is hosting an open house on March 10 and March 24 at 6 p.m. at the Town Hall. This will be an opportunity for people to learn more about the proposed annexation and development. These open houses are being held by the applicant […]
Ski with Council
Winter Park Resort 85 Parsenn Rd, Winter Park, CO, United StatesGot questions for council? They've got answers! This month, join us at Winter Park Resort for a chance to have an informal conversation with our council members. Meet at 1 p.m. by the firepit next to the gondola at the base of the resort. Council will be available to answer your questions there, or if […]
Council Candidate Forum 2022
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesThe Winter Park & Fraser Chamber is holding a Town of Winter Park Council Candidate Forum on Wednesday, March 23 at 6-8 p.m. at Town Hall. Each candidate has 10 minutes to introduce themselves and give their campaign speech, followed by a question-and-answer period moderated by Catherine Ross, executive director of the Winter Park & […]
Open House: Cooper Creek Village Annexation
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesThe applicant for the Cooper Creek Village annexation, JAC Colorado II, LLC, is hosting an open house on March 10 and March 24 at 6 p.m. at the Town Hall. This will be an opportunity for people to learn more about the proposed annexation and development. These open houses are being held by the applicant […]
Hideaway Junction Open House
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesJoin us for the Hideaway Junction Open House on March 29. We’ll have the project architect giving a presentation and walking you through the 3D renderings and hear your feedback on the design. Updates will also be provided on the application process and timeline. Following the presentation, stay for the open house to ask additional […]
Planning Commission Special Meeting
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesPUBLIC HEARING: Unified Development Code – Proposed Amendments to Town Code Titles 5 – Public Ways and Property, 6 – Building Regulations, 7 – Zoning, and 8 – Subdivision Regulations (PLN19-020)
Hideaway Junction Open House
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesJoin us for the next Hideaway Junction Open House on May 19 at 6 p.m. Topics covered will include applying and eligibility for Hideaway Junction Phase II. We will walk all the way through the application, the next steps, and eligibility requirements as well as answer any questions you may have. There is a […]
Responsible Alcohol Vendor Class
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesPresented by Fraser Winter Park Police Department. When? Wednesday, May 25, 2022, from 4-6 p.m. Where? Winter Park Town Hall, 50 Vasquez Road Who should attend? Owners, managers, supervisors, servers, bartenders, special event volunteers, and anyone else who serves alcohol. Participants will receive a Responsible Alcohol Vendor Certification. Training is free to participants, no registration […]
Community Clean-Up Day & Electronics Recycling
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesCommunity Clean-Up Day Thursday, June 9 from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Winter Park Town Hall Meet us at Town Hall (50 Vasquez Road) to gather supplies such as trash bags and gloves, then join us in cleaning up our community! Participants will be entered to win a $100 gift card to a local business […]
Responsible Alcohol Vendor Class
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesPresented by Fraser Winter Park Police Department. When? Thursday, June 16, 2022, from 6-8 p.m. Where? Winter Park Town Hall, 50 Vasquez Road Who should attend? Owners, managers, supervisors, servers, bartenders, special event volunteers, and anyone else who serves alcohol. Participants will receive a Responsible Alcohol Vendor Certification. Training is free to participants, no registration […]
Attainable Housing Open House
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesJoin us for the next Attainable Housing Open House on June 28 at 6 p.m. Topics covered updates on all ongoing housing programs and in-person Q/A session. There is a Zoom option available to tune in virtually. The Zoom link can also be used after the meeting to view the webinar recording on-demand. You are […]
Responsible Alcohol Vendor Class
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesPresented by Fraser Winter Park Police Department. When? Monday, July 18, 6-8 p.m. Where? Winter Park Town Hall, 50 Vasquez Road Who should attend? Owners, managers, supervisors, servers, bartenders, special event volunteers, and anyone else who serves alcohol. Participants will receive a Responsible Alcohol Vendor Certification. Training is free to participants, no registration is required. […]
Responsible Alcohol Vendor Class
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesPresented by Fraser Winter Park Police Department. When? Wednesday, September 21, 2-4 p.m. Where? Winter Park Town Hall, 50 Vasquez Road Who should attend? Owners, managers, supervisors, servers, bartenders, special event volunteers, and anyone else who serves alcohol. Participants will receive a Responsible Alcohol Vendor Certification. Training is free to participants, no registration is required. […]
Idlewild Park Open House
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesThe Town of Winter Park, in cooperation with Rendezvous, is hosting a public open house at Winter Park Town Hall on Tuesday, September 27 from 5-7 p.m. to gather public input for the design of Idlewild Park located in the Rendezvous Development.
Responsible Alcohol Vendor Class
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesPresented by Fraser Winter Park Police Department. When? Monday, November 21, 6-8 p.m. Where? Winter Park Town Hall, 50 Vasquez Road Who should attend? Owners, managers, supervisors, servers, bartenders, special event volunteers, and anyone else who serves alcohol. Participants will receive a Responsible Alcohol Vendor Certification. Training is free to participants, no registration is required. […]
Responsible Alcohol Vendor Class
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesPresented by Fraser Winter Park Police Department. When? Tuesday, December 13, 6-8 p.m. Where? Winter Park Town Hall, 50 Vasquez Road Who should attend? Owners, managers, supervisors, servers, bartenders, special event volunteers, and anyone else who serves alcohol. Participants will receive a Responsible Alcohol Vendor Certification. Training is free to participants, no registration is required. […]
Town Council Meeting
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesFind meeting agendas and the Public Comment Policy here.
Planning Commission Meeting
Find meeting agendas here.
Transit Advisory Committee Meeting
Winter Park Town Hall 50 Vasquez Road, Winter Park, CO, United StatesCoffee with Council
Rollin Street Bakery 78737 Highway 40, Winter Park, COGot questions for our Council members? They've got answers! Join us for Coffee with Council on February 9 at Rollin Street Bakery to have informal conversations with Winter Park's elected officials. Coffee and pastries are on us! Please RSVP to