Winter Park Urban Renewal Authority
Established in 2024, the Winter Park Urban Renewal Authority supports the Imagine Winter Park Unlocked projects and other public infrastructure investments. URAs are public or quasi-public entities established to revitalize specific areas, promote economic development, and improve community infrastructure. Once a URA is formed, funding generated by the URA is used to invest in public improvements which benefit the entire community as well as catalyze development in the area.
Board of Commissioners
- Nick Kutrumbos
- Jennifer Hughes
- Mike Periolat
- Riley McDonough
- Art Ferrari
- Jeremy Henn
- Rebecca Kaufman
- Anthony J. DiCola - Mayoral Appointee
- Ed Raegner - Grand County
- Scott Ledin - Special Districts
- Chris Raines - East Grand School District
URA Meeting Times
URA meetings are held the third Tuesday of the month at 3 p.m. at Winter Park Town Hall (50 Vasquez Road).