Property and Evidence
The Property and Evidence section is responsible for maintaining the integrity of all property collected by officers and subsequently submitted as evidence. The Property and Evidence Technician tracks, stores and maintains property for criminal justice purposes and subsequently disposes of items when legally possible.
Evidence retained as part of an active criminal investigation or held pending a criminal trial will not be released without approval from Grand County District Attorney’s Office. Once the investigation or criminal case has been closed the evidence may be returned to the appropriate owner depending on the circumstances.
Firearms & Found Property
Found Property retained by the Property and Evidence section of the Fraser Winter Park Police Department will be safeguarded until such time it can be returned to its rightful owner, disposed, or destroyed.
Firearms retained by the Property and Evidence section of the Fraser Winter Park Police Department will not be returned without a proper background check completed. This could take several weeks to complete. The Department does not release retained ammunition with released firearms.
The Property and Evidence section of the Fraser Winter Park Police Department is located at 79050 Main Street, STE 6 (in the Winter Park Station Building). You MUST have an appointment to pick up any evidence or found property. Property may only be released to individuals with proper identification, so you MUST have your ID with you when you come to pick up any evidence. In some cases, it may require written approval from the Grand County District Attorney’s Office authorizing the release of property.
Please contact Carol McHenry at (970) 722-7779, cmchenry@wpgov.com for appointments or information regarding property releases.
Police Department
Glen Trainor
Chief of Police
Non-Emergency: (970) 722-7779
Emergency: 911
79050 Main Street STE 6
Winter Park Station Building
P.O. Box 211
Winter Park, CO 80482
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.