Resources for the Local Workforce
The Town of Winter Park understands that many residents may face unanticipated challenges in the coming weeks due to COVID-19 related closures. The Town will be updating this resource list to help impacted residents access assistance as resources become available.
Grand County Emergency Assistance Fund
Grand Foundation (GF) has established the Emergency Assistance Fund for the COVID-19 Pandemic in Grand County. In a coordinated and collaborative effort, Grand Foundation is working closely with Grand County, community nonprofits and agencies that provide direct client services.
This fund was established to support vulnerable populations and help them through this crisis. Vulnerable populations are identified as: Lower Income, Seniors, Youth, Displaced Workforce, and At-Risk Populations (underlying health conditions and or individuals with a disability).
Primary focus areas for this funding will include, but are not limited to, rental/mortgage/utility assistance, food insecurities and grocery access, school districts/primary education support and behavioral health.
Mountain Family Center will be accepting and administering all applications for rental/mortgage/utility assistance, food insecurities and grocery access - contact them at 970-557-3186. For other services needed please contact Megan Ledin at the Grand Foundation.
Unemployment Insurance & Emergency Paid Leave
- Unemployment Insurance - During layoffs, all employees are encouraged to apply for unemployment insurance. Those who are job-attached (meaning workers will be expected to return after a separation of up to 16 weeks) should file as "job-attached."
- Colorado Guide to Unemployment Benefits
- Denver 7 article explaining emergency unemployment benefits specific to COVID-19 related closures
- Emergency Paid Leave Rule - This rule is meant to limit the spread of highly contagious disease and enables workers in at-risk occupations to access testing
Resources for Job-Attached Unemployment (for extended business closures)
File a claim for unemployment benefits
This calculator can help you estimate lost income for an extended restaurant closure.
Stress & Anxiety
If you are feeling heightened stress or anxiety related to COVID-19, please call the Colorado Crisis Support Line at: 844-493-TALK (8255), Text TALK to 38255 or visit the website
Lost Healthcare
If you were recently laid-off and have lost previous employer-provided healthcare, you are eligible for a special enrollment period. Learn more at Connect for Health Colorado.
- For service updates, visit the Lift website or Rider App.
- The Lift transit system will adjust its summer service schedule.
- At a minimum, the Town will always operate summer service. We are not planning any discontinuation in service at this time.
- First Transit is disinfecting the buses at the high contact points on a consistent basis.
Internet Service
Comcast has announced decreased fees and other forms of assistance during the crisis. This includes:
- Internet Essentials free to new customers
- Xfinity WiFi free for everyone
- Pausing on data plan giving everyone unlimited data
- No disconnects or late fees
- News, information and educational content on X1
- 24x7 network monitoring
- Making current movies available in-home