July 7, 2020

During a meeting on July 7th, Winter Park Town Council approved Ordinance 541 requiring face coverings to be worn. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the health of Winter Park residents and visitors has been our highest priority. With the community reopening and busy fall and winter seasons ahead of us, we feel this action is imperative to protect our local economy.
Ordinance 541 outlines that a face covering is required when entering and while inside any business open to the public as well as in outdoor public places where people are unable to maintain social distancing of at least six feet. Outside of these scenarios, face coverings are not required.
Exceptions to the regulation include persons under the age of two, those for whom a face covering could cause impairment due to an existing condition, or people working in a professional office who don’t have face-to-face interactions with the public.
This requirement is a simple, proactive step we can take to keep Fraser Valley locals at work, get our kids back to school this fall, and keep ourselves, our visitors and neighbors healthy. Wearing a mask is not only safe but is necessary to avoid another shutdown. When outside recreating and observing the six-foot social distancing recommendations, we are not requiring face coverings.
The Winter Park & Fraser Chamber of Commerce recently acquired branded bandanas to distribute throughout the community. Bandanas are being given away to Winter Park guests at the Visitor’s Center while supplies last. To assist with compliance, businesses can receive “mask up” signage and limited numbers of free bandanas through the Chamber by contacting Erin Griss at egriss@playwinterpark.com.
We are asking all to comply with this ordinance and are focused on keeping our town and county safe and healthy. See the full ordinance at wpgov.com/our-government/agendas-minutes