Town Seeks Members for Downtown Plan Committee

What do you envision for the future of Downtown Winter Park? In 2019, the Town of Winter Park will focus on creating a Downtown Plan to help ensure that our downtown is thriving, walkable and welcoming to locals and visitors alike.

A Downtown Plan Steering Committee made up of 10 locals will oversee the planning process. This will include meeting with the firm developing the plan, reviewing plan drafts, and offering specific feedback on the plan’s direction.

For those interested in joining the committee, the following information should be sent to

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Your connection to Winter Park
  • Why you want to be part of the committee

Applications are due by 5pm on Wednesday, March 27 and the Town will make selections for the committee based on this information. Committee members will be required to attend 5-6 meetings throughout the year.

The Downtown Plan is in the very beginning phases as firms submitted proposals in February to develop the plan. After a firm is selected, more information on the timeline and project details will be available. Public feedback will also be solicited throughout the plan development process to ensure it fits with the needs and vision of community members.