Business Licenses

The Town of Winter Park Town Code requires the licensing of any business, occupation, profession, or activity engaged in for-profit within the Town limits with a physical presence in the Town of Winter Park. Businesses with multiple locations or branches within the Town limits are required to obtain a business license for each location they operate. Find information about related fees here. Per State Senate Bill 22-032, Simplify Local Sales & Use Tax Administration, the Town is prohibited from charging a fee for a general business license to a retailer that either does not have a physical presence in the local taxing jurisdiction (the Town) or only has an incidental physical presence within the Town. (View Ordinance 592). Find more about what defines a physical presence and an incidental physical presence below.

The Town uses MUNIRevs, an online business licensing and reporting system to provide a secure, online tool for businesses to apply for business licenses, file tax returns, renew licenses and submit payments. Visit the MUNIRevs website to register and set up your account. Be sure to review the instructions and FAQs or contact the MUNIRevs directly if additional assistance is needed. Unlimited phone and web support are available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. by contacting MUNIRevs at  or (888) 751-1911.

While the Town of Winter Park does not require that you have a sales tax license with the State of Colorado, it is your responsibility to confirm that the proper sales tax (State and Grand County) is being remitted to the State of Colorado on behalf of your business. If you need a STATE OF COLORADO license, start the process here. DO NOT CLICK FOR A TOWN OF WINTER PARK LICENSE.

Need to print your Town of Winter Park business license?

Go to the 'Manage Your Account' section of the business center in your MUNIrevs account. Click on your account name in the section directly below 'Print Your License'. Click on the PDF symbol next to your business name.

Don’t have a login to MUNIrevs? Contact Susan Kauber at to get your activation code and begin to manage your account online.


The only persons or organizations exempt from business license requirements are:

  • Churches or established religious organizations
  • Charitable organizations
  • Hospitals
  • Schools
  • Governments
  • Persons exempt under federal or Colorado law
  • Special events as licensed by the Town of Winter Park
  • Wholesale businesses that are not required to obtain a Colorado retail sales license
  • Businesses without a physical presence in the Town
  • Businesses with only an incidental physical presence in the Town

If you or your organization is exempt from business license requirements but plan to conduct business within Town limits, please get in touch with the Business Support Technician to verify your exemption.

Does my business have a physical or incidental physical presence in the Town of Winter Park?

Physical Presence means performing or providing services or selling, leasing, renting, delivering, or installing tangible personal property for storage, use, or consumption within the local taxing jurisdiction. Physical presence includes any of the following activities:

  • Directly or indirectly by a subsidiary maintaining a building, store, office, salesroom, warehouse, or other place of business within the local jurisdiction;
  • Sending one or more employees, agents, or commissioned salespersons into the local jurisdiction to solicit business, to install, assemble, repair, service, or assist in the use of its products, or for demonstration or other reasons;
  • Maintaining one or more employees, agents, or commissioned salespersons on duty at a location within the local taxing jurisdiction;
  • Owning, leasing, renting or otherwise exerting control over real or personal property sales within the local taxing jurisdiction;
  • Engaging in activities within the taxing jurisdiction that are subject to other business, fire, zoning, or other regulations of the local jurisdiction; or
  • Being subject to taxable privileges other than the requirements to collect sales tax imposed by the local taxing jurisdiction.

Incidental Physical Presence means performing or providing services or selling, leasing, renting, delivering, or installing tangible personal property for storage, use, or consumption within the local taxing jurisdiction that occurs infrequently and is not regularly scheduled within the ordinary course of an individual or entity’s business activities.

Need a refund for a business license due to exemption from SB22-032?

Email Susan Kauber, Business Support Technician, at Please include the following information:

  • Business license number
  • Business name
  • Date and method of payment
  • Why you believe to be exempt from a business license due to SB22-032

Get Involved

The Winter Park-Fraser Chamber of Commerce serves a number of needs in our community, including offering programs and projects that enhance the vitality of businesses here in Winter Park. For more information on how the Chamber might help your business, visit the Chamber website.

Winter Park, CO | Official Website


Renting your condo? If your unit is located within the Town limits and you plan to rent it nightly or for periods of less than 31 days, you must hold a business license and remit sales tax. Those units that are professionally managed by a third party may operate under the property management business license.

Need to License a Business with the Town?

The Town's Business License is valid for one year from the date of issuance. The annual licensing fee is $60 (visit this page for more information on fees). You will need to contact the Building Division for building and renovation requirements. Plus, you must submit a Sign Permit Application.

Sign Permit

Winter Park, CO | Official Website