Resources for Local Small Businesses
The Town of Winter Park is committed to assisting local businesses navigate COVID-19 related closures and economic impacts. We will continue to monitor state and federal assistance opportunities and share resources and updates as they are provided. We are working closely with the Winter Park & Fraser Chamber of Commerce to monitor ongoing business needs.
Suspension of Some Regulations & Fees
On May 19, Town Council approved an emergency ordinance that immediately suspends certain regulations and fees through October 31, 2020. The ordinance suspends the following:
- The single-use plastic bag fee (Reinstated beginning May 1, 2021)
- Sign ordinance regulations prohibiting sandwich boards and banners located on sidewalks as long as they don’t impede pedestrians
- The design review process, associated fees and building permit fees for the expansion of patios
- Parking requirements for restaurants to allow for expansions of patios into private parking areas
The ordinance also authorizes the Town Clerk to administratively grant local authority approval for liquor license expansion of premise applications; State approval and fees are still required. For questions or assistance, contact our Town Clerk at djardee@wpgov.com.
Reopening Resources
- CDC Resources for Reopening
- National Restaurant Association Reopening Guidelines
- Vacation Rental Management Association COVID Cleaning Guidelines
Business Emergency Response Team (BERT)
The Business Emergency Recovery Team will be using the Work in Grand website to provide coordinated and comprehensive information about COVID-19 as well as resources for business owners, employees, and community members. BERT partners include all Grand County Economic Development, Grand County Colorado Tourism Board, all Town Municipalities and Chambers of Commerce in Winter Park & Fraser, Granby, Grand Lake, Hot Sulphur Springs, and Kremmling. BERT will be providing coordinated and comprehensive information and updates to community businesses.
Business Assistance Fund
Grand Foundation (GF) has established an Emergency Small Business Assistance Fund in response to community impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in Grand County, CO. In a coordinated and collaborative effort, Grand Foundation will be the fiscal agent for this fund and is working closely with Grand County Commissioners, local towns, chambers and community stakeholders to provide grants for small businesses in need of relief.
“During this time of need, it’s imperative we help protect the individuals in our county by ensuring that they have jobs to return to. These small businesses are the character and backbone of our communities in Grand County”, said Megan Ledin, GF Executive Director. Primary focus areas for this funding will include rental, mortgage and utility assistance. The Town of Winter Park contributed $100,000 in seed funding.
Personal Protective Equipment
The Grand County Commissioners have given the Grand Foundation $30,000 to purchase Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Grand County small businesses. Review the PPE guidelines and order form to understand the eligibility terms. Complete the form and return as soon as possible - first-come, first-serve.
Archived Resources
Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program
The SBA will work directly with state Governors to provide targeted, low-interest loans to small businesses and non-profits that have been severely impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The SBA's Economic Injury Disaster Loan program provides small businesses with working capital loans of up to $2 million that can provide vital economic support to small businesses to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue they are experiencing. Learn more
The SBA has created a clearinghouse of information including resources on the following:
- Guidance for businesses and employers
- Access to capital
- Workforce capacity
- Inventory and supply chain shortfalls
- Export assistance