
Read on for the latest happenings and updates from the Town of Winter Park.

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Coffee with Council

Drink Coffee with Our Council!

Got questions for our Council members? They've got answers! Join us for the first Coffee with Council sessions to have informal conversations with Winter Park's elected officials. Coffee and light […]

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Road Closure

Winter Park Main Street ADA Improvements

Starting September 21, the Colorado Department of Transportation and Contractor KSK, LLC will begin ADA Ramp improvements on United States Highway 40 in ​Winter Park. The project will improve curb […]

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Kings Crossing Closures

Construction is in full swing for the Kings Crossing extension road connecting to Grand Park Drive, which means that we anticipate some closures in the near future. Kings Crossing will […]

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Fraser River Trail Sign

Fraser River Trail Closure 9/14-10/5

The Fraser River Trail is getting a little work done and will be closed at the Beaver Village entrance from September 14 to October 5. During this time a turning […]

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Bear in meadow

Winter Park Updates Codes to Take Care of Local Wildlife

Protecting local wildlife is a high priority for the Town of Winter Park – they’re as much a part of the community as our human neighbors. Recent wildlife interactions have […]

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National Forest System Road 128 Closure

Starting on August 3, National Forest System Road 128 (Water Board Road) will be closed to all uses approximately 0.7 miles north of the Jim Creek Trailhead for about 1 […]

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