
Read on for the latest happenings and updates from the Town of Winter Park.

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Council chambers

Get to Know Our Incoming Council Members

In the April 2020 municipal election, Winter Park residents voted 3 new Council members and 1 returning member into office – Mike Davlin, Jeremy Henn, Jennifer Hughes and Michael Periolat. […]

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Official 2020 Municipal Election Results

Updated April 17, 2020 The official certified results of the April 7, 2020 Winter Park municipal election are as follows. Scott Sutcliffe 39 Jimmy Lahrman 62 Jeremy Henn 130 Michael […]

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March 2020 Sales Tax Payment Extension

March 2020 Sales Tax Payment Extension

Extension Request Form The Town of Winter Park is committed to assisting local businesses navigate COVID-19 related closures and economic impacts. These closures have taken a significant toll on our […]

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A Message from Mayor Jimmy Lahrman

A Message from Mayor Jimmy Lahrman

To the Winter Park community, These past couple weeks have been a challenging time for everyone around the world as COVID-19 affects us in unprecedented ways. My thoughts are with […]

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Get Counted - the Census is Coming

Get Counted - the Census is Coming

Complete the Census now! The 2020 Census is right around the corner, so make sure you’re ready to participate! Results from the count make an impact on how federal funding […]

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Winter Park Citizen Survey Results Now Available

During the Town of Winter Park Council Retreat in 2019, the group identified several major objectives for 2019-2020. One of those objectives focused on developing measures to gauge community and […]

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